Short Term Generation/Power Forecast - Product Overview


1 min read

Product Brief

Bright Grid Analytics provides precise generation forecasts at hourly and sub-hourly intervals for generation assets globally. These forecasts offer invaluable insights to empower asset owners and operators to confidently predict generation shapes and optimize their strategies in energy markets.

Our advanced generation forecasting models leverage diverse datasets, including:

  • Historical generation data

  • Asset-specific metadata (e.g., capacity, geographical location, mount type, array orientation, cut in speed, cut out speed, elevation targets, spill requirements, ....)

  • Weather data (historic and forecasted), covering radiation, cloud cover, temperature, wind speed, precipitation, snow, and more

The forecasting process integrates weather predictions from trusted third-party providers alongside Bright Grid's proprietary ensemble of weather models.

By analyzing historic generation data as the foundation, our solution employs sophisticated machine learning techniques to uncover patterns and correlations across temporal and statistical features. These include seasonal trends, hourly variations, and other data-rich insights.

Our team rigorously evaluates the performance of these models, optimizing weightings to deliver exceptional accuracy in generation forecasts. With Bright Grid Analytics, you can confidently navigate energy markets and make data-driven decisions for generation asset management.


Forecasts are refreshed hourly and accessible through:

  • Platform Dashboards

  • Platform CSV Export

  • API Export


Connect with the Bright Grid Analytics team to benchmark forecasting accuracy.

Coverage Across North America: AESO, IESO, CAISO, ERCOT, ISONE, MISO, NYISO, PJM, SPP and bilateral markets.

For more information, contact Bright Grid Analytics at